Dr. Othmane Aouane
Head of Team "Simulation of particle-laden flows"
Areas of expertise
Cauerstraße 1
91058 Erlangen
Building Helmholtz-Erl.-Nürnb / Room 02.5
About me
My research interests lie in the intricate physics of particles and complex fluids, which are pivotal in diverse fields, including renewable energies, fluid mechanics, biophysics, and mechanical engineering. The inherent complexity of these systems stems from the interplay between various types of interactions and the nonlinear response of the particles.
I focus on modelling and simulating complex particulate flows. This includes the transport of particles in both steady and unsteady flows, the rheology of dense suspensions, evaporation and thin film formation. I am also interested in exploring the dynamics and morphologies of biomembranes like capsules and blood cells.
The potential applications of this research are extensive, touching upon sectors like printable electronics and photovoltaics, pharmaceuticals, food, and biomedical industries.