08.00: Registration
08.45: Welcome and Opening
Prof. Bastian Etzold (FAU), Prof. Jörg Libuda (FAU) and Prof. Karl Mayrhofer (HI ERN/FAU)
09.00: Electrolyte Effects in Electrocatalysis
Prof. Marc Koper (Leiden University, Netherlands)
09.45 - 10.15: Coffee Break
Session 1
Chair: Anna Freiberg (HI ERN)
10.15: Alkaline oxygen evolution reaction on activated industrial Ni-Fe alloys
Prof. Marian Chatenet (Grenoble INP, France)
10.45: Cobalt based MXene composites for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction
Dr. Michelle Browne (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany)
11.15: Highly Active and Durable Composite-Type Self-Repairing Anode Catalysts for Alkaline Water Electrolysis
Prof. Yoshiyuki Kuroda (Yokohama National University, Japan)
11.35: Atomic insights into the competitive edge of nanosheets splitting water
Dr. Lorenz Falling (Technical University Munich, Germany)
11.55: End of Session 1
11.55 - 13.20: Lunch
Session 2
Chair: Dr. Dominik Dworschak (HI ERN)
13.20: Influence of alkali metal cations on electrocatalytic activity and stability
Prof. Chang-Hyuck Choi (Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea)
13.50: Routes towards molecular carbon materials for electrochemical conversion of small molecules
Prof. Martin Oschatz (FSU Jena, Germany)
14.10: Exploring metal exsolution to modify the electrochemical interface of perovskite-based catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction in aqueous medium
Dr. Moritz Lukas Weber (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
14.30: Dewetted nanoparticles – A platform to study nanoscale effects in electrocatalysis
Prof. Marco Altomare (University of Twente, Niederlande)
14.50: End of Session 2
14.50 - 15.10: Coffee Break
Session 3
Chair: Dr. Olaf Brummel (FAU)
15.10: Water and CO2 Electrolysis: Understanding Kinetic vs. Transport Limitations
Prof. Ulrike Krewer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
15.40: Assessment of the Reproducibility in Interfacial Electrochemistry and Electrocatalysis Measurements Using Pt Electrodes in Aqueous Acidic and Alkaline Media
Niusha Mouchani (Queen´s University, Canada)
16.00: Combining activity and durability in oxygen evolution electrocatalysis: the case of crystalline iridium oxide
Dr. Tobias Binninger (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
16.20 - 16.40: Coffee Break
16.40: Catalysis on High Entropy Materials
Prof. Jan Rossmeisl (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
17.10: What Governs the Electrocatalytic Activity of Oxygen-Evolution Reaction Catalysts? Beyond Scaling Relations
Prof. Kai Exner (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
17.30: Unravelling the “Iron Effect” in Oxygen Evolution on Nickel and Cobalt Oxides using Electronic structure calculations
Prof. Alexander Auer (MPI für Kohlenforschung, Germany)
17.50: End of Session 3
19.00 - 22.30: Joint Dinner at "Alter Rathaussaal"
This historic town hall from the 14th century is a place steeped in history in the heart of Nuremberg´s old town.
09.00: Trials and Tribulations in the Electro-reduction of N2 to Ammonia
Prof. Douglas MacFarlane (Monash University, Australia)
09.45 - 10.05: Coffee Break
Session 4
Chair: Dr. Pavlo Nikolaienko
10:05: Syngas production via CO2 electroreduction at industrially relevant conditions enabled by catalyst design and electrode optimization
Prof. Corina Andronescu (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
10.35: Long-term continuous ammonia electrosynthesis
Dr. Shaofeng Li (Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Germany)
10.55: In-situ analysis of the dynamic interfacial electrolyte composition near electrodes during the electrochemical reduction of CO2 or N2
Prof. Georgios Katsoukis (University of Twente, Netherlands)
11:15: Coffee Break
11.35: System and Process Development for Industrial Carbon-dioxide Electroreduction
Dr. Csaba Janáky (University of Szeged, Hungary)
12.05: Influence of ionomer type on the performance of CO2-reducing gas diffusion electrodes
Christina Martens (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
12.25: Beyond Cu catalysts: Synergistic effects of Cu with metal co-catalysts to enable CO(2) reduction to higher carbon products
Dr. Nina Plankensteiner (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
12.45: End of Session 4
12.45 - 14.00: Lunch
Session 5
Chair: Dr. Andreas Hutzler
14.00: From flow fields to catalyst layers: a multiscale approach to advancing electrochemical clean energy
Prof. Aimy Bazylak (University of Toronto, Canada)
14.30: The inconvenient truth of ORR catalyst stability: Operando high energy X-ray investigations of ORR catalysts from cradle to grave
Dr. Jakub Drnec (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), France)
15.00: Step engineering for model electrocatalysis using ion erosion
Dr. Josef Mysliveček (Charles University, Czech Republic)
15.30: End of Session 5
15.30 - 16.00 Coffee Break
16.00: Poster Session
Networking, food and drinks at the foyer (ground floor and basement)
To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to view all contributions, we divided the poster presentations into two groups:
- 16.00 - 17.00: odd numbered posters
- 17.00 - 18.00: even numbered posters
- 18.00 - 19.00: flexible
appr. 19.00: End of Day 2
09.00: Operando Spectroscopy in Electrocatalysis: Seeing the Catalyst in Action
Prof. Thomas Justus Schmidt (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland)
09.45: Coffee Break
Session 6
Chair: Dr. Matthew Brodt
10.05: Electrochemical diagnostic methods: model-based and data-driven analysis
Dr. Tanja Vidakovic-Koch (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Germany)
10.35: How to find and understand new electrocatalysts
Prof. Matthias Arenz (University of Bern, Switzerland)
11.05: Beyond CO2 and CO - Electro catalytic functional group conversion on copper electrodes
Bernhard Schmid (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
11.25 - 11.45: Coffee Break
11.45: Electron Microscopy for Understanding the Stability of Electrocatalysts
Prof. Nejc Hodnik (National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia)
12.15: On the Design of Structured Electrocatalysts for Enhancing Gas Evolution Processes During Water Electrolysis
Prof. Byron Gates (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
12.35: End of Session 6
12.35: Closing and Posteraward
12.45 - 14.00: Lunch
14.00: Excursion and Guided Lab Tour to HI ERN´s headquarters at Erlangen
via bus shuttles
18.00: Conference closing
Food and drinks at Erlanger Bergkirchweih, one of the most beautiful and oldest folk festivals in the world, that has traditionally been celebrated at the Burgberg since 1755.
23.00: Bus Shuttle back to Nuremberg and End of the symposium
Note: Changes are possible at short notice because of unforeseeable events.