Membrane Polymer Synthesis
Our goal is to develop chemically stable and highly cation- and anion-conductive polymers (ionomers) and membranes for the application in electrochemical energy conversion processes such as:
- Low-Temperature fuel cells (H2-PEMFC, direct alcohol fuel cells such as direct-methanol-fuel cells DMFC or isopropanol/ acetone fuel cells DIFC)
- High-Temperature fuel cells (HT-H2-PEMFC and HT-direct fuel-PEMFC)
- Electrolysers such as LT-PEMWE and HT-PEMWE, Redox-flow batteries (RFB) such as Vanadium-RFB and iron-chrome RFB
- Alkaline fuel cells and alkaline electrolysis
Research Topics
The types of polymers under investigation include polymers with the following backbones:
- perfluorinated, partially fluorinated and nonfluorinated hydrocarbons
- nonfluorinated and partially fluorinated aromatics (polyethers, polysulfones, polyphenylenes, etc.)
From these polymers, different membrane types are made, including:
- Ionically and/or covalently cross-linked (blend) membranes
- Reinforced (blend) membranes with porous reinforcements such as electrospun fiber mats or stretched polymer foils
- Hybrid membranes with inorganic nanoparticle fillings
Recent publications (years 2018-2024) in peer-reviewed international journals
- Synergistically integrated phosphonated poly(pentafluorostyrene)s for fuel cells. V. Atanasov, A. S. Lee, E. J. Park, S. Maurya, E. D. Baca, C. Fujimoto, M. Hibbs, I. Matanovic, J. Kerres, Y. S. Kim, Nature Materials 2020, 11 pages.
- Role of phosphate source in improving the proton conductivity of tin pyrophosphate and its composite electrolytes. K. P. Ramaiyan, S. Herrera, M. J. Workman, T. A. Semelsberger, V. Atanasov, J. Kerres, S. Maurya, Y. S. Kim, C. R. Kreller, R. Mukundan, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020.
- Novel anion exchange membrane based on poly(pentafluorostyrene) substituted with mercaptotetrazole pendant groups and its blend with polybenzimidazole for vanadium redox flow battery application. Hyeongrae Cho, Vladimir Atanasov, Henning M Krieg and Jochen A Kerres, Polymers 2020, 12, 915.
- Stability of ionic-covalently cross-linked PBI-blended for SO2 electrolysis at elevated temperatures. R. Peach, H. M. Krieg, A. J. Krüger, D. Bessarabov, J. Kerres, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2020, 45, 2447-2459.
- New Materials and Flow Field Design for Middle- Temperature Direct Methanol Fuel Cell with Low Cathode Pressure. V. Gogel, M. Sakthivel, J. Bender, B. Salzmann, J. Kerres, J. Scholta, J.-F. Drillet, Fuel Cells 2019, 19(3), 256-267.
- Performances of Anion-Exchange Blend Membranes (AEBMs) on Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries (VRFBs). H. Cho, H. M. Krieg, J. A. Kerres, Membranes 2019, 9(2), 31.
- Highly phosphonated polypentafluorostyrene blended with polybenzimidazole: Application in Vanadium redox flow battery. E. Bülbül, V. Atanasov, M. Mehlhorn, M. Bürger, A. Chromik, T. Haering, J. Kerres, Journal of Membrane Science 2019, 570-571, 194-203.
- Application of novel anion-exchange blend membranes (AEBMs) to Vanadium redox flow batteries. H. Cho, H. M. Krieg, J. A. Kerres, Membranes 2018, 8, 33.
- Novel cross-linked PBI-blended membranes evaluated for high temperature fuel cell application and SO2 electrolysis. Retha Peach, Henning M. Krieg, Andries J. Krüger, Dmitri Bessarabov, Jochen Kerres, Materials Today: Proceedings 2018, 5, 10524 - 10532.
Last Modified: 25.10.2024