High Throughput Materials and Devices for PV
Our vision is to revolutionize materials research and design. By linking state of the art materials modeling with high-throughput synthesis and formulation significantly more complex material combinations can be investigated than by traditional methods. By coupling these capabilities directly with application and characterization a simultaneous optimization of multiple performance parameters on the device level becomes possible. Through the addition of machine learning, big-data methods and state of the art optimization tools, the development of custom designed functional materials for the energy sector will be accelerated by 1-2 orders of magnitude!
Research Topics
Photovoltaics, LEDs, batteries, thermoelectric generators – more effective, stable and low-cost materials are needed for new innovative applications. Our group offers an open research platform to drastically shorten the development cycles for these new and complex materials. To do this fully automated high throughput techniques are applied, utilizing large sample numbers in combination with machine learning approaches, in order to investigate large parameter spaces with intelligent design of experiments. Our group performs research in
- Combinatorial materials research
- High throughput synthesis, formulation, film deposition and characterization
- Characterization and Processing equipment development
- Big data methods and Machine Learning
Our Infrastructure
is customized for the fast and precise formulation and characterization of solutions, exploring large parameter spaces for solution formulation, manufacturing and characterizing electro-optical devices, energy materials and functional films.
For this purpose we have
- Fully equipped chemical lab with clean room capabilities for semiconductor grade materials storage and handling
- Automated high throughput synthesis equipment with microwave reactor, sample concentrator, liquid chromatography
- Semi-automated systems with pipetting robots and plate reader for pre-qualification of materials and inks
- State of the art printing and coating lab for film deposition with nm precision
- Fully automated research line for synthesis, ink formulation, film deposition, electrode evaporation, materials and substrate handling, characterization of up to 96 samples in parallel
- Non-destructive imaging lab with spectroscopic and hyperspectral imaging and scanning methods (Raman, FTIR, PL, EL, Thermography, AFM, SEM)
- Accelerated Lifetime testing with variable temperatures (up to 1000 °C, illumination (up to 500 suns) and atmospheres (con-trolled levels of humidity, O2, or other gases)
- Database and IT infrastructure for data handling and analysis
At the heart of our research facilities is our fully automated research machine AMANDA which integrates all functions from solution handling, film processing, device finishing and characterization in one integrated platform.