Electrocatalytic Interface Engineering


The Electrocatalytic Interface Engineering (German: Elektrokatalytische Grenzflächenverfahrenstechnik, EGV) research department concentrates on technical interfaces of electrocatalytic devices. Examples of such technical interfaces are the catalyst layers, membranes or transport layers as well as their interfaces in e.g. fuel cells or electrolyzers. The central research question for the field of the research department is: How to get the best possible structure for the functionality of a given interfacial layer or layer system?

Research Topics

The research interests of the department span the whole electrochemical cell: From catalyst development and membrane development over manufacturing of electrodes and membrane electrode assemblies to upscaling and automatization of manufacturing processes. The department focuses on polymer electrolyte fuel cells, water electrolyzers, and the electrochemical reduction of CO2. An in-depth understanding of the systems is provided by electrochemical characterization and advanced imaging and spectroscopy.


Prof. Simon Thiele


Building HIERN-Cauerstr / Room 5004

+49 9131-12538232


Contact persons

Department assistance
Laboratory management

Teams of the department

Catalyst Synthesis

Synthesis and characterization of catalytic powders.

Membrane Polymer Synthesis

Developement of chemically stable and highly cation- and anion-conductive polymers (ionomers) and membranes for the application in electrochemical energy conversion processes.

Composite Membrane Analysis and Design

Development of composite membranes for electrochemical energy conversion systems. The design and manufacturing of composite membranes is complemented by the electrochemical characterization of single cells, and imaging and spectroscopy of membranes and electrodes.

Interface Engineering for Water Electrolysis

Development and optimization of materials and processes for water electrolyzers.

Electrochemical Hydrogenation Cycles

Development and upscaling of electrochemical systems.


Synthesis and characterization of catalytic powders.


Facilities of the department

Synthesis of catalysts and polymers
Fabrication of membrane electrode assemblies
Electrochemical characterization of single cells
Imaging and spectroscopy
No results found.

Last Modified: 20.11.2024