Prof. Marian Chatenet

Grenoble INP, France


Prof. Marian Chatenet (Grenoble INP)

Marian Chatenet graduated as an engineer in materials-sciences and a master in electrochemistry in 1997 from Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP). He defended his PhD in Electrochemistry in 2000 (Grenoble INP) and moved to the University of Minnesota as a post-doc until 2002.

Appointed associate professor in electrochemistry (2002), he is professor in Grenoble INP/Phelma since 2011. He studies electrocatalysis of complex reactions and activity/durability of electrocatalysts for fuel cell/water electrolyzer applications within the laboratory of electrochemistry and physical-chemistry of materials and interfaces (LEPMI).

Best young scientist in Electrochemistry of the French Chemical Society (SCF, 2009), he received the Oronzio and Niccolò De Nora Foundation Prize of the International Society of Electrochemistry on Applied Electrochemistry (ISE, 2010).

He has published ca. 190 papers in scientific journals, gave 240+ communications in (inter)national conferences (ca. 55 invited/keynotes/plenary), 50+ invited seminars and filed 9 patents (h-index = 56, 9100+ citations – Scopus, August 2023).

After having led the team of Interfacial electrochemistry and processes (EIP) of LEPMI for 10 years, he initiated a joint laboratory between LEPMI and CEA-Liten and has built multiple fruitful collaborations with numerous industrial partners on low-temperature fuel cells and water electrolyzers, as well as partner laboratories in France and abroad. In charge of the mobility axis within the "French Research Network on Hydrogen" (FRH2, research federation n°2044 from CNRS), he presently coordinates a research program on PEMFC for heavy-mobility applications (“PEMFC95”) within the ANR-sponsored PEPR-H2 (10 partners, ca. 9 M€ funding, ANR-22-PEHY-0005).

Last Modified: 08.08.2024