Awarded: First prize at image competition for HI ERN scientist Dr. Qingguang Xie
Erlangen, September 20, 2023 - Dr. Qingguang Xie won the first prize of the image competition at the 9th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods (DEM9). The Conference took place in Erlangen from September 17 to September 21 and is the leading conference in the field of Discrete Element Simulations.
The image shows the trajectories of micrometer-sized particles which are transported by a fluid flow inside a porous medium. The simulation was performed using a hybrid method combining a lattice Boltzmann solver for the fluid flow with a discrete element method for the suspended particles. The colors of the trajectories depict the particle velocities.

Qingguang Xie studied Computational Science and Engineering at the Technical University of Munich. He obtained his PhD in Physics at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, investigating the dynamics of colloidal suspensions. He has been working at HI ERN since 05.2023. His research focuses on particle and bubble transport in porous media, which aims to improve the manufacturing process for printable photovoltaics, and the production of hydrogen in electrolyzers.
Prof. Dr. Jens Harting
Head of Research Department
Room 5011