Bavarian Energy Days: "From laboratory to industrial application - LOHC as a pioneer of the green hydrogen economy"

Erlangen, 14 July 2023 - Experiencing a complete hydrogen supply chain in real use and exchanging information with researchers about the latest research approaches - this was what visitors could do at the information stand at the hydrogen filling station in Erlangen in midsummer temperatures.

Bayerische Energietage: "Vom Labor zur Industrieanwendung - LOHC als Wegbereiter der grünen Wasserstoffwirtschaft"
Research and application: Visitors to the information booth were able not only to discuss the latest research approaches with researchers on site, but also to experience the application of hydrogen technology first-hand.
Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies

Together with the industry partner Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies, scientists from HI ERN demonstrated the important role that hydrogen technology, and LOHC technology in particular, plays in the energy transition.

LOHC stands for "liquid organic hydrogen carrier". A LOHC is an oil-like liquid that can be reversibly charged with hydrogen and also discharged again - like a deposit bottle for hydrogen. The hydrogen released during discharge can then be converted into electricity in a fuel cell.

The visitors were able to learn more about the logistics on site: The hydrogen is safely bound to the carrier perhydro-benzyltoluene, which can be easily stored and transported with conventional infrastructure. Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies, for example, uses two underground tanks (30 m³ each) at the hydrogen filling station, which saves a lot of space and allows hydrogen to be stored in quantities of 1,500 kilograms.

In addition to the tanks, the visitors were also able to see the reactor that releases the hydrogen from the LOHC to fuel cars and trucks.

Visitors were able to experience how such a refuelling process works and what the inner workings of a hydrogen-powered vehicle look like directly on the hydrogen cars from HI ERN and Hydrogenious.

At the information booth, HI ERN researchers gave an overview of the latest research approaches in this field and explained the application potential of the pollutant-free LOHC technology: In an innovative project, researchers at HI ERN are currently working on equipping trains that have been operated with diesel with LOHC technology. In doing so, they are going one decisive step further: the development of a direct LOHC fuel cell for mobile applications. The direct fuel cell generates electrical energy directly from charged LOHC. An additional apparatus for the catalytic release of the hydrogen gas on board the train would then be unnecessary.

Copyright: Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies

Bavarian Energy Days

Under the motto "Energy transition. Here. Now." the whole of Bavaria showed from July 14 to 16, 2023, how the energy transition is succeeding on both a large and small scale. Numerous stakeholders organized informative, entertaining and interactive actions and events during this weekend - on site and digitally. The event was organized by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy.

Last Modified: 16.01.2025