Constant high level of innovation: Prof. Brabec "Highly Cited Researcher" for the eleventh time in a row
Erlangen, 15 November 2023 - For the eleventh time in a row, HI ERN Director Prof. Dr. Christoph Brabec has been included on the list of the world's most cited scientists.
Prof. Brabec is again represented in the "cross-field" category, which means a broad-based achievement: his influence extends beyond the field of materials science.
The renewed award illustrates consistently high innovative strength
In 2023, Professor Christoph Brabec, Director of the Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nuremberg for Renewable Energy (HI ERN), will still be one of the most cited and thus most influential researchers in the world. This is the conclusion of the Web of Science Group, which lists scientific articles from tens of thousands of journals and is part of Clarivate Analytics.
This is the eleventh time in a row that Professor Christoph Brabec, who heads the High Throughput Methods in Photovoltaics research department at HI ERN, has received this award. A circumstance that illustrates how great the innovative power of his department is in this field of research.
6,938 scientists from 67 countries
Publications count as "Highly Cited Papers" if they are among the most cited one per cent in the year of publication. Scientists who write several such influential papers over a period of ten years make it onto the list - this year 6,849 researchers from 67 countries. Compared to the previous year, Germany remains in fourth place with 336 scientists - behind the USA (2,669), China (1,275) and the UK (574).
The methodology used to identify the "Who's Who" of influential researchers is based on the data and analyses conducted by bibliometrics experts and data scientists from the Institute for Scientific Information™ at Clarivate.
More information
List of "Highly Cited Researchers 2023" by Clarivate
Prof. Christoph Brabec
Director and Head of Research Department High Throughput Methods in Photovoltaics
Room 367