Future made in Bavaria: Members of the Bundestag Katrin Staffler and Stefan Müller visit HI ERN

Erlangen, July 20, 2023 - How can renewable energies be made climate-neutral, sustainable and cost-effective? Stefan Müller, Member of the German Bundestag, Parliamentary Secretary of the CSU in the German Bundestag, and Katrin Staffler, Member of the German Bundestag, Deputy Chairwoman and Spokeswoman for Innovation, Education and Research of the CSU in the German Bundestag, learned about this during their visit to the Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nuremberg for Renewable Energies (HI ERN). The visit took place as part of the "Zukunft made in Bavaria" series of visits by the two members of the Bundestag.

A comprehensive overview of HI ERN's research activities in the field of sustainable energy technologies was given at the beginning of the visit by Prof. Simon Thiele, Head of the Department of Electrocatalytic Interfacial Engineering and Prof. Christoph Brabec, Director of HI ERN. The institute's research focuses on photovoltaic energy systems and innovative hydrogen technologies. Increasing efficiency and reducing costs through innovative materials and process research will continue to be central to progress in both areas over the coming years.

HI ERN, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, has grown considerably since it was founded: More than 180 employees from over 30 nations are providing decisive impetus for the success of the energy transition with their research work. With its pioneering scientific contributions, the institute has been able to earn a place among the world's leading research institutions in this field.

Hydrogen is considered a key element for the success of the energy transition - if it is produced in a climate-neutral way. The performance of the required conversion units, e.g. electrolysers and fuel cells, is essentially based on the high-performance materials used and their interaction. This is precisely what is being investigated at HI ERN at the highest international level.

Prof. Christoph Brabec, Director at HI ERN and Head of the Department of High-Throughput Methods in Photovoltaics, illustrated how new photovoltaic technologies ideally complement silicon PV and open up new opportunities for multi-benefit applications: Flexible, lightweight, transparent and adaptive photovoltaic films will be easy to integrate into agriculture, building facades or even daily infrastructure in the future, saving resources. Innovative printable solar modules are being developed under the leadership of HI ERN researchers through the Helmholtz-wide research platform "Solar Technology Acceleration Platform for emerging Photovoltaics" (Solar TAP for short). The platform is intended to make new photovoltaic technologies quickly and easily accessible to industry, society and consumers.

A guided tour rounded off the visit of the two politicians: Katrin Staffler, MdB, and Stefan Müller, MdB, were given an insight into the modern equipment in the laboratories of the new research building, which was completed just two years ago.

Copyright: HI ERN/Giulia Iannicelli

Last Modified: 04.07.2024