Dr.-Ing. Birk Fritsch honored with Best Paper Award

Cleveland (USA), August 1, 2024 - HI ERN postdoctoral researcher Birk Fritsch received the Best Paper Award at the Microscopy and Microanalysis 2024 (M&M 2024) conference.

Dr.-Ing. Birk Fritsch honored with Best Paper Award at the M&M 2024 in Cleveland (Ohio)
Birk Fritsch

In his paper entitled "Controlling the Solution Chemistry in Aqueous Phases During In Situ Microscopy", Birk Fritsch shows how radiation chemistry modeling can be used to identify the driving forces behind radiation-induced chemical changes under electron and X-ray irradiation. The results provide additional insight into the complex radiation chemistry involved in in-situ studies with ionizing radiation (i.e. electrons or X-rays) and thus increase their reliability for scientific applications.

Dr.-Ing. Birk Fritsch honored with Best Paper Award
Postdoctoral researcher Birk Fritsch is conducting correlative operando studies on degradation mechanisms in electrocatalysis at the HI ERN.
Birk Fritsch

The researcher has been working in Prof. Karl Mayrhofer's "Electrocatalysis" department at HI ERN since November 2022. He is working on correlative operando studies on degradation mechanisms in electrocatalysis with the aim of increasing the durability of electrochemical components such as electrolysers or fuel cells and thus reducing the costs of the energy transition. After studying nanoscience at the University of Kassel, Birk Fritsch completed his doctorate at the Faculty of Engineering at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU). The scientist was recently selected for Forschungszentrum Jülich's excellence funding program YESP.

M&M is the annual meeting of the Microscopy Society of America and the Microanalysis Society. It brings together scientists, technology experts and researchers for education, networking and the largest annual microscopy exhibition.

Original Publication

Birk Fritsch, Andreas Körner, Andreas Hutzler, Controlling the Solution Chemistry in Aqueous Phases During In Situ Microscopy, Microscopy and Microanalysis, Volume 30, Issue Supplement_1, July 2024, ozae044.1038, https://doi.org/10.1093/mam/ozae044.1038


Dr.-Ing. Birk Fritsch

Postdoctoral Researcher

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    Last Modified: 21.08.2024